The Responsible Tour / Code of Ethics

Find out about your destination
Buy relevant guidebooks and learn about the culture politics, geography, religion and customs of the area before you travel. This will be reinforced by our indigenous maasai professional guide experience and

Go equipped with some basic words and phrases
A few words (even just hello, please and thank you) will go a long way towards developing communication and understanding with local people.

Find out what constitutes appropriate behavior
Learn about and respect the customs and beliefs.

Dress respectfully
It is very easy to embarrass shame or offend local people by not covering up or dressing appropriately.

Purchase locally made goods and use locally provided services
Try to put money into the local economy by encouraging trade and the local manufacture of goods and crafts.

Pay a fair price for the goods and services you buy
Haggling is often a part of local life, but don’t go too far and keep a realistic perspective. What is a trifling sum to you could be a significant amount to a local family (perhaps worth something important to them, such as a meal).

Ask permission to photograph or video
How would you like it if a stranger came along and took photos of you going about your everyday life; hanging out the washing, going to the gym or walking the dog?

Avoid conspicuous displays of wealth
Especially in very poor communities where you are a guest. Remove watches, rings and expensive jewelry. Don’t make promises you can’t keep about sending pictures, gifts, etc…

Support local community or environmental projects
Such as education and health. Contact us for more

Save the environment
Carry out litter, take bio-degradable soap, burn toilet paper, don’t throw away plastic bags.

When you return home
Think how you can support programs to help the country you’ve been privileged enough to visit.

Code of Ethics

Adventure with an open mind ready to learn
Travel with a genuine desire to learn more about who you meet.

Appreciate Indigenous cultures on your adventure
Be aware of the feelings of other people, to prevent what might be offensive behaviour on your part. Be sensitive about photography. Ask yourself why you are taking a picture and would you enjoy being photographed in the same situation. Communities and individuals are human have feelings and have rights too

Listen and Observe Keenly
Listening and observing, rather than merely hearing and seeing. Instead of the Western practice of ‘knowing all the answers’, cultivate the habit of asking questions

Realities and Practices Differ
Often the people in the country you visit have time concepts and thought patterns different from your own. This does not, make them inferior, only different. Try to understand and enjoy this difference. Acquaint yourself with local customs. What is courteous, in one country may be quite reverse in another – people will be happy to help you.

Environmental Integrity
Respect and protect the natural environment. Instead of looking for just “stunning views”, look for the richness of another culture and way of life. Remember that you are only one of many visitors, and do not expect special privileges.

When you are shopping
Remember that a “bargain” you obtain is perhaps possible only because of the low wages paid to the maker; sometimes the poorest merchant will give up a profit rather than give up his or her personal dignity.

Make no promises to people in your host country
Unless you intend to carry them through.

Enjoy yourself
But remember that an extravagant display of wealth is insensitive to local people who may have to manage on much less money than you have.

Be conservative in your dress
You will get closer to people if you do not look very different.

Encourage pride in the local culture
Avoid any suggestion that Western culture is inherently better.

Try not to encourage children who beg by giving them money or gifts
This is the start of a vicious circle. There are other and better ways to provide real help.

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